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Bill's Biography


The rich, complex nature of being human has been a life-long interest for study and reflection. My first psychology class in high school felt like coming home to a place I had never been. I began my formal education by completing a Bachelor of Arts degree in Clinical Psychology at Eastern Washington University. I worked while completing my degree at Eastern State Mental Hospital on a locked psychiatric unit for 5 years as a mental health technician and interacted directly with patients.


I worked for an additional 5 years as a Washington State registered vocational counselor and helped injured workers to identify new career paths. I then entered a master's program in clinical psychology at Antioch University in Seattle and earned my degree in 2004. Immediately after graduation I opened a private therapy practice in the Fremont neighborhood and am currently seeing folks. 


After 21 years working as a psychotherapist, I am drawn to now work as a psychospiritually aligned healing ally. The emphasis of my ongoing education has evolved to more strongly embrace ancient wisdom teachings as well as other more esoteric spiritual ones. I feel this positions me well for the changing times in which we find ourselves. 


I actively participate in ongoing education and personal growth work to enhance what I can bring to help heal and improve your quality of life. I strive imperfectly (as humans are) to live my teachings and am dedicated to my calling.


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