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Life Enriching Videos

Jeff Foster is a highly respected international  non-duality teacher. He presents this 16 minute video to explain the often elusive concept of how to live in the moment and the benefits it offers.


Charles Eisenstein (below) is a highly educated, spiritual teacher. He spoke at Ted Talks about how we are moving from a time of separation to one on inner-connection. Charles speaks to this time as one of transition and in many ways reunion. It is an life affirming optimistic view of our future. (22 minutes long)

Mindfulness Forgiveness Prayer

If I have harmed anyone, in any way, either knowingly or

unknowingly through my own confusions, I ask forgiveness.


If anyone has harmed me, in any way, either knowingly or

unknowingly through their own confusions, I forgive them.


And if there is a situation I am not yet ready to forgive, I

forgive myself for that.


For all the ways that I harm myself, negate, doubt, belittle myself, judge or am unkind to myself through my own confusions, I forgive myself.

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